The original Transport Assessment is here:
"211203 FINAL Transport Assessment 08.12.2021.pdf"
The revised Transport Assessment is here:
"Transport Assessment Addendum_Final 22.03.22.pdf"
These are rather large documents and will take a lot of time examin and determine exactly which proposals have been revised. Focusing on comparing what is proposed for the affected roads in Sections "5.1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT" and "8.5 MITIGATION MEASURES" in the original document to section "4 HIGHWAYS" in the revised document is probably the most efficient way to start.
Some of the changes have been covered by the comparisons made on this site for the other revised documents:
Revised - Footway and Carriageway
Revised Proposed Site Access and Traffic Calming
Anything not covered above will be covered below over time.
Content under construction...