The Original Plan is here:
"Superseded - C.1 - 70031578-SK-005-H Proposed footway and Carriageway Modifications Plan 08.12.2021.pdf"
The Revised plan is here:
"Revised - Proposed Footway and Carriageway Modifications - 70031578-SK-005-J - 23.03.22.pdf"
The differences are marked in red in this extract from the plan:
It can be seen that the suggested visibility line is only going to be valid after vegetation cut back until it grows back. It is also clear that the proposed narrowing to a single carriageway under the bridge with the new giveway requirement needs more forward visibility of oncoming traffic in order to safely pass under the bridge.
The revisions are listed in this document on page 9, Section: "4.3 Westoning Road”:
"Transport Assessment Addendum_Final 22.03.22.pdf"
Of particular interest is the following from section 4.3.1
4.3.1. CBC also provided comments to support the benefits of vehicular access onto Westoning Road. The highway-related reasons given were, first, the removal of a proportion of predicted vehicular traffic from Toddington Road / Station Road, where there will be a mix of pedestrians, cyclists and car drivers during the morning school peak period. Second, vehicular access from Westoning Road could provide an area for school drop off and pick up clear of Westoning Road.
To which the applicant reponds in section 4.3.2 with the following nonsense:
4.3.2. With regard to the first point, Section 5 (Trip Generation, Distribution and Assignment), Section 6 (Local Highway Impact – Modelling) and Section 7 (Miscellaneous) of this Addendum demonstrate that there are no significant junction capacity issues along Toddington Road / Station Road and also in terms of any potential conflict with pedestrians and cyclists along Toddington Road / Station Road, it is expected that the vast majority of pupils (75%) will use Westoning Road to access the school. Pupils who use Toddington Road / Station Road will benefit from improved facilities. Therefore, for highway impact and safety reasons, separate vehicular access onto Westoning Road is not required.
Note they are making false claims that there is no potential for traffic conflict with pedestrians and cyclists on Station Road / Toddington Road and tat the vast majority of pupils will use Westoning road to access the new school. Anyone who lives in or knows the village will know that those statements are lies.
There is more:
4.3.3. Regarding School drop off and pick up, the TA makes reference to the provision of appropriate parking for parents within site, in close proximity to the school. This parking, which should be secured by condition on the outline planning permission, will be accessed from Toddington Road via the primary site access. The provision of dedicated parking in an accessible location will deter the use of Westoning Road as it is much further from the school and so less attractive for this purpose. Therefore, a school drop off and pick up facility off Westoning Road is not necessary.
The school parking being referred to does not exist on any of the "indicitive" site plans. They are also claiming that it should be up to CBC to secure the parking by a condition placed on the approval, which basically says that they are not proposing it, making their argument invalid. It also fails to recognise the traffic impact that this will have on Station Road, Toddington Road, the site entrance on Toddington Road and within the site itself. This will add to the dangers to the lives of pedestrians and school children that this developement already presents.
Note that in section 4.3.5, it is said that CBC requested that further consideration is given to cyclists:
CBC requested that further consideration is given to how on carriageway "cycle trips on Westoning Road would be catered for, particularly at the point at which they pass under the rail bridge, through the proposed one-way priority workings."
The next paragraph 4.3.6 basically states that what they have already proposed is ok.
The highway arrangement under the bridge has been designed with all road users in mind and is regarded as the best arrangement given the existing constraint
So they have not made any changes to accomodate cyclists despite baing asked to do this.
The only physical changes that can be seen for Westoning Road in comparison to what was originally proposed is the addition of a blue sign near the proposed pedestrian access point and the suggestion that somebody should cut back some vegetation near the bridge.