The revised plan is here:
"Revised - Proposed Site Access and Traffic Calming - 70031578-SK-007-T - 23.03.22.pdf"
The original plan is here:
"Superseded - 70031578-SK-007-N Proposed Site Access and Traffic Calming Measures Plan 08.12.2021.pdf"
The plan differences seem to be as follows:
The proposed changes to Toddington Road are described in the updated Transport Assessment from page 7 onwards:
"Transport Assessment Addendum_Final 22.03.22.pdf"
Quoted from the above document:
4.1.1. CBC provided the following comments:
- Changing the proposed speed cushions to ramps, to provide a more substantial speed reduction measure, less likely to be straddled by larger vehicles.
- Widening the footway / cycle to 3.0m along the full site frontage, as previously proposed (further detail on this is provided below).
- Surveying the highway verge to the southern side of the bend passing the Bungalow and providing a plan for maintaining suitable forward visibility. The combination of this and the full width footway / cycleway on the northern side may require some localised re-alignment and potentially the inclusion of land to the south of the highway (as the provision of the 3.0m cycleway may push the carriageway to the southwest, if the planting fronting the Bungalow is not impacted, as would securing a buffer to allow for some limited growth without obscuring necessary visibility splays).
- Adding measures to reinforce the 30mph limit around the site access junction. This could potentially be in the form of raised features adjacent to each set of lane separation islands.
- Extension of the proposed 30mph limit to incorporate the double bend, with associated supporting works and signage and with no vertical obstructions above 0.6m.
The applicant claims the following revised proposals:
4.1.2. The Toddington Road proposed infrastructure improvements has been amended and illustrated in the WSP Drawing 70031578-SK-007-T (see Appendix B). A summary of the improvements include:
- Proposed site accesses for all users from the northern side of Toddington Road;
- Visibility splays in line with MfS 2, thus 2.4 x 43m in keeping with the proposed 30mph speed limit across the site frontage;
- Changes to kerblines;
- Traffic calming features, including 'dragon teeth', coloured surface, speed cushions, flat top humps,raised tables and signalised pedestrian/cycle crossing;
- Extension of the existing 30mph limit west on Toddington Road to include the double bend and introduce traffic-calming measures along Toddington Road to further reduce vehicle speeds;
- Removal/ maintenance of vegetation to improve forward visibility;
- Re-alignment of Toddington Road between the site access and Station Road to enable the
provision of a new and improved shared footway/cycleway towards the bus stop.- Proposed 3m wide shared pedestrian and cyclist path. Starting to the west of the primary site
access and runs east to the secondary access and beyond;- Proposed facilities for cyclists to rejoin the carriageway, including 'Cyclist Rejoining Carriageway'
signage northwest of the eastbound bus stop.- New bus stop facilities and markings on Toddington Road to serve the station;
- Pedestrian/cyclist crossing facilities (Toucan Crossing) at the end of the footway towards the bus stop to the south of the site on the raised table, including high friction skid resistance surface. The proposals include a short section of a shared facility allowing northwest bound cyclists to leave the carriageway and cross at the proposed toucan crossing;
- Redistribution of carriageway space to allow the existing footway on the rail bridge to be widened from c.1.2m to 1.5m;
- Provision of containment kerbs as an additional safety feature for pedestrians on the section of Station Road spanning the bridge;
- New pedestrian crossing facilities at the entrance of the station car park and Station Yard development access to include dropped kerbs and tactile paving;
Despite the many small improvements, the main issues of visibility and location of the proposed site entrances and crossing in relation to the blind bends has not been solved.
Any visibiliy improvment due to vegetation cut back is only temporary, who will be regularly cutting back the vegitation to maintain any improvement?
[OPINION] The vegetation cut back was disingenuous attempt by the applicant to demonstrate improved visibility. [/OPINION]