A list of notable observations on the various stages of HAS20
Commitments were made in the HAS20 site allocation to satisfy concerns of planning inspectors. Of these commitments, the pedestrian safety on Station Road and school parking aspects are missing from the Outline Planning Application.
Planning Inspectors Report, Page 5
Harlington – Policy HAS20
"30 .Our initial findings also raised concerns with highway and pedestrian safety. In response,an Access Strategy has been prepared (Examination Document EXAM 113E) which proposes a number of highway improvements. The Highways Authority has confirmed that the measures on Station Road and Toddington Road would overcome the concerns expressed. Having assessed the Strategy, we have no reason to disagree with this view and are now satisfied that an acceptable and safe arrangement can be achieved through the planning application process."
"31. However, the issue of parent parking remains. Whilst there would be a requirement to provide a school travel plan, there is still likelihood of parents parking on Westoning Road when dropping off/picking up their children. This would lead to congestion and potential highway safety concerns. In finalising the Main Modifications, it is therefore necessary to include a policy requirement to make appropriate provision for parent parking. The final detail would be for the planning application process to determine."
Note: The Outline Planning Application does not propose any measures for Station road and the Masterplan does not show any parking provisions for the School. It therefore fails to fulfil these key requirements of the HAS20 site allocation.
Out of all of the HAS20 Comments there is not a single supporting argument presented by anybody except the applicant, Willis Dawson / Pegasus Group. The parish council object, the schools object and even CBC have presented several issues.
Promises made in the applicant's responses to issues raised in the HAS20 Community Engagement in relation to the railway bridge and Station Road are not included in the Outline Planning Application.
The Outline Planning Application does not propose any measures for Station road.
The Development Brief Document lists safe access to the school as a policy requirement, on page 8:
"The Main Modifications Local Plan consultation increased 2.31 the policy requirements of the site to include access to the site from Westoning Road to ensure safe and secure
pedestrian and cycle access to the primary school following concerns raised through the Examination relating to pedestrian access to the new school for parents with their children."
The Development Brief Document lists the provision of parking in close proximity to the school as a policy requirement, on page 6:
"Other policy requirements include improvements to the transport network and the provision of appropriate parking in close proximity to the school."
As well as the above policy requirements being quoted in the DB, on page 43 it states that off-site improvements to the access route to the school will need to be made on both Westoning Road and Station Road as well parking provided within or in close proximity to the school.
Note: Despite the above commitments, the resulting Outline Planning Application does not propose any measures for Station road and the Masterplan does not show any parking provisions for the School.
The council's internal consultees tasked with reviewing the DB raised many concerns and highlighted many issues. These concerns were previously available in documents attached to the Development Brief on the planning portal, these documents have since been removed from the planning portal. Details can be found on the Development Brief page.
The Development Brief was then "Endorsed" at the CBC Development Management Commitee despite many issues and concerns being raised internally.
According to the description of Development Briefs on the CBC web page:
"Development briefs and masterplans assist in ensuring new developments are designed to the highest possible quality.”
The above information clearly shows that this is not what has been demonstrated so far, as the resulting Outline Planning Application is missing key commitments.
[OPINION] Covering up or hiding issues is not exactly conducive to ensuring new developments are designed to the highest possible quality [/OPINION]
The Development Brief proposed a widening of the footway across the railway bridge on page 43, section 5.25. The applicant has walked back on this in the Outline Planning Application which has since been submitted.
The Development Brief also included parking and drop-off provisions either within or in close proximity to the school on page 43 section 5.22, this is missing from the plans on the submitted outline planning application.
The Development Brief has been endorsed by the council and forms part of the material planning considerations.
"We will endorse development briefs before the planning application is determined and, once endorsed, it will be a material consideration in the determination of future planning applications."
Note: Safe access to the school and parking are also policy requirements of the HAS20 site allocation and conditions specified in the Planning Inspectors examination.
The Outline Planning Application fails to address important road safety issues
[OPINION] When the time comes to make the decision on the Outline Application, the council should not be approving details which differ from details which were "Endorsed" in the development brief or do not satisy policy requirements or Planning Inspectors requirements. we need to keep a close eye on this [/OPINION]
The Outline Planning Application proposals also require many valuable trees to be cut down, refer to the HAS20 Trees page on this site for more information.
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