As part of the Development Brief, a community engagement excercise was undertaken via a Public Exhibition held at the Harlington Parish Hall in September.
So far the Applicant has failed to deliver on their promises made in the community engagement responses, details are provided below.
The report on this public engagement is here:
"5.d Appendix 2 - P21-1034 FINAL Report of Community Engagement 08.10.21 LF.pdf"
The responses to the large number of issues raised by residents start from page 10 in the report.
It is clear that the responses to the safety issues on Station Road state fail to adequately address the issues.
The responses state either:
"Improvements have and continue to be considered with CBC along Station Road as well”
"The proposed development will provide a contribution to these improvements”
(with a reference to Station Yard as an example of an appropriate contribution)
"The carriageway across the railway bridge will be narrowed so that the existing footway can be widened”
However the outline planning application shows no such widening, no works are proposed to Station Road or the railway bridge. The railway bridge proposal is also mentioned in the Development Brief and the applicant has now rolled back on a critical public safety commitment by not including this in the Outline Planning Application
Note the reference to Station Yard on Page 19 where it is used as an example of an appropriate contribution.
"This is in line with the £30,000 contribution CBC has taken from the Station Yard developers to support highway measures in Harlington.”
Do we know where this has been spent by the council?
It is clear that the most difficult issues have been left unaddressed in the responses and many of the Responses just quoted the local plan as a defence rather than address the issue:
"Site HAS20 is allocated in the adopted Central Bedfordshire Local Plan (July 2021) for up to 435 dwellings and a 2FE Primary School. The Local Plan was subject to public consultation during its preparation and was examined by independent Inspectors from MHCLG.”
Here are some extracts from the consultation response document:
Page 11 onwards:
Issue 3: Highways and Access:
"Crossing the railway bridge on Toddington Road/Station Road on foot is hazardous and a new separate pedestrian bridge over the railway should be provided as part of the development."
"Delivery of a pedestrian bridge would not be possible due to various existing constraints. However, the proposed development will deliver improved pedestrian facilities in the area, including a wider footway across the railway bridge."
Note: The statement highlighted above in bold is false, the Outline Planning Application specifies no improvements for Station road or the railway bridge
"Significant concerns raised over children walking to the new school along Station Road, over bridge and Toddington Road and along Westoning Road an under bridge.”
"A new footway/cycleway is proposed along Toddington Road and into the site. A new footway along the southern side of Toddington Road towards the railway station is also proposed. A new signalised pedestrian crossing will connect the new facilities along Toddington Road. Improved informal crossing facilities will be provided at the junction with the railway station access road. The carriageway across the railway bridge will be narrowed so that the existing footway can be widened. Recommendations for improvements along Station Road have and continue to also be considered, with the proposed development proposing to contribute to their delivery. The existing facilities along Westoning Road will be improved/widened with one-way working introduced under the railway bridge allowing for a wider and safer footway.”
Note: The statement highlighted above in bold is false, the Outline Planning Application specifies no improvements for Station road or the railway bridge
"Once the new primary school is built, there will be increased pedestrian traffic between the older part of the village and the new estate. Footpaths along Station Road and Westoning Road (where the railway bridge is) need to be widened and improved to keep the children and parents safe.”
"Agreed. Improvements are proposed along Westoning Road, with this being the preferred safe walking route to the new school. Improvements have and continue to be considered with CBC along Station Road as well."
"There are no provisions for improving footpath and lighting in Station Road from station to village centre. This is a dark narrow road with existing highway safety issues. More needs to be done to improve Station Road in the proposals.”
"Station Road currently benefits from street lighting along its length. Improvements have and continue to be considered along Station Road. The proposed development will provide a contribution to these improvements.”
(There are more issues mentioning Station road in the above section, the responses are basically the same.)
Page 20
Issue 4: Local Infrastructure:
"Children walking to the new school will do so via Station Road and Toddington Road – i.e by the most dangerous route. People currently use the roadway along this route owing to insufficient footpath space.”
"Proposals to secure improvements to walking routes are included as part of the outline planning application."