Note: the previous version of this page has been archived now that the consultation period has been opened.
The Outline Planning Application for the HAS20 development site in the Local Plan is the next stage after the Development Brief which was "Endorsed" by the council planning department on the 15th of December 2021.
The Outline Planning application was submitted in December and is now available to view on the planning portal:
"Outline application: for up to 400 dwellings including land for a Primary School, open space and associated infrastructure. New main access, plus minor access to serve units to south east of site, off Toddington Road – all matters reserved except access. Land to the West of the Mainline Railway Line and North of Toddington Road, Harlington"
The Consultation period started on the 20th of December 2021 and runs until the 28th of January 2022. There are around 56 documents making up the planning application, [OPINION] discounting the xmas and new year period realistically leaves 24 non-holiday days to review everything for comments. [/OPINION]
Note: It is important to remember the words "all matters reserved except access" because the "access" is the only aspect that is going to be decided on at this stage. Everything else is merely "Indicative". Future reserved matter applications for the other aspects could well be completely different, refer to the Outline Planning information page.
Here is an image of the "Indicative" Master Plan for the site taken from the master plan in the Documents section of the planning application:
"P21-1034_02P Indicative Masterplan 08.12.2021.pdf"
The Information provided below is from the Documents submitted with the planning application relating to the development site access.
Note: There are no pedestrian safety and highway improvements proposed for Station Road and the railway bridge and minimal improvements for Westoning road. These were primary issues raised in both the public consultation and Development Brief internal consultations.
Note that the final Development Brief did propose a widening of the footway across the railway bridge on page 43, section 5.25:
"5.25 Off-site Improvements of the route across the railway line and further east along Station Road towards the centre of Harlington will also need to be provided, which is a route frequently used by existing residents including children attending Harlington Upper School. It is proposed to widen the existing footway across the railway bridge however improved pedestrian links along Station Road will also need to be provided. Measures could include installing one-way working locations along this route to improve increased safety for pedestrians and better control of traffic."
The above proposal is missing from the Outline Planning Application. The Development Brief also included parking provisions for the school on page 43, section 5.22:
"5.22 .... A new primary school will be accessible from the development by walking and cycling and will include appropriate parking and drop off provisions either within or in close proximity to the school site."
The above proposal for parking at the school is also missing from the submitted plans.
Note: Both safe access to the school and parking provisions are policy requirements of the HAS20 site allocation in the local plan.
The above statements on safe access and parking are part of the Development Brief which has been endorsed by the council, however the outline planning application fails to specify any these or any other commitments to address the safety of school children and parents walking to the new school along Station Road and over the railway bridge.
Refer to Plans listed below and note only the slightest colour difference between "EXISTING FOOTWAY" and "PROPOSED FOOTWAY".
This plan proposes minimal works for Westoning Road, which comprises a one-way system under the railway bridge, a slight widening of the footway near and under the bridge and a small footway extension and cycle barrier near the proposed pedestrian and cycle access point.
"C.1 - 70031578-SK-005-H Proposed footway and Carriageway Modifications Plan 08.12.2021.pdf"
This plan only includes proposals for works on Toddington Road for site access, nothing for the Railway Bridge or Station Road.
"70031578-SK-007-N Proposed Site Access and Traffic Calming Measures Plan 08.12.2021.pdf"
The information presented in the above plans is also backed up by statements in the Transport Assessment on pages 64 to 68, section 8.5 "MITIGATION MEASURES":
"211203 FINAL Transport Assessment 08.12.2021.pdf"
Quote from Page 62, section 8.3: (railway bridge, station road)
8.3.1. The proposed pedestrian and cycle strategy have been developed considering the type of land uses proposed at the site. The strategy has been largely informed by comments received from the Local Plan Inspectorate, CBC Highways and from public consultation. The key concerns raised are summarised below:Children and parents with pushchairs using the narrow footway over the railway bridge on Station Road and then having to cross the road on a sharp bend at the junction with Toddington road and the station car park access; and
As a result of the above, an increased risk of accidents occurring during the morning and evening peak hours when the car park entrance is likely to be in frequent use by commuters using the station.
8.3.2. As set out in Section 5, a comprehensive range of measures has been developed to support the future sustainability of the site. Many of these measures physically improve the existing transport network of Harlington and will provide wider benefits to the village, including access to the railway station and bus stops on Toddington Road, pedestrian/cycle connectivity to Westoning Road and Toddington Road and further recommended improvements on Station Road.
The measures referred to above in 8.3.2 do nothing actually to address the issues being referred to. Section 5 (5.1.16) does not propose any improvements to station road, it merely "recommends" improvements.
5.1.16. WSP have prepared an improvement plan for Station Road to show how pedestrian safety can be enhanced. The drawing has been prepared as an indication of the types of measures that could be implemented
Further details of the above recommendations can be found on page 66 Section 8.5.12. [OPINION] The recommendations look to be unfeasable or impossible given the available width. [/OPINION]
Section 5 also cites precendent as a reason to avoid having to address pedestrian safety on Station Road:
5.1.15. The Station Yard residential development, which proposed 49 new dwellings located to the east of Harlington railway station, proposed no improvements on Station Road. Instead, a financial contribution was made in support of improvements within the area. It is expected that as part of the development proposals, a commensurate financial contribution will be made in like manner in support of the proposals recommended to provide improvements on Station Road.
The station yard development was a much smaller, completely different proposal in a different location with completely different needs and requirements [OPINION] which really should have specifed some form of safety improvement for station road vehicular access. [/OPINION]
[OPINION] Citing this precedent to avoid having to address the safety of children and parents walking to and from the school is shameful [/OPINION]
[QUESTION] These are issues that were raised in both the public and internal consultations to the Development Brief which was recently "Endorsed" by the council, if these issues were resolved with the applicant before the endorsement, which is what a reasonable person would expect, why are they left unaddressed in the subsequent outline planning application? [/QUESTION]
Refer to the HAS20 Development Brief page on this site to see the long list of issues and concerns raised by internal consultees within the council, noting that these documents have since been removed from the planning portal.
[OPINION] Public safety, especially the safety of children should be the most important factor here, not housing need, new homes bonus and developer profits.[/OPINION]
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