An outline planning application has recently been submitted in December but is not yet available to view on the planning portal:
"Outline application: for up to 400 dwellings including land for a Primary School, open space and associated infrastructure. New main access, plus minor access to serve units to south east of site, off Toddington Road – all matters reserved except access. Land to the West of the Mainline Railway Line and North of Toddington Road, Harlington"
The only additional information currently available is from the maps on the council website:
Note that both the Development Brief and the Outline Planning Application marked in green cover a larger site area than the original HAS20 site allocation which is marked in orange.
Refering to the Master plan from the Outline Application page on the Harlington West Marketing site:
It shows that the additional site area is allocated for a drainage pond and proposed pedestrain and cycle access to the site from Westoning Road.
However these additional site areas are inside the remaining greenbelt which has not been removed by the council.