I wish to object to the Outline Planning Application CB/21/05416/OUT known as HAS20 in the Local Plan on the grounds that inadequate attention has been given to highway safety around access to the site.
Main points of objection:
The two railway crossings have always been major pinch points and are traffic hazards. The proposed layout, incorporating changes only on Toddington Road and Westoning Road, fail to provide safe routes for pedestrians, cyclists and horses, and completely fail to address the safety issues on Station Road and the Station Bridge.
There are inadequate plans to ensure the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and horses by improvements to Station Road, nor adequate proposals for Toddington Road or Westoning Road.
Both railway crossings will involve children and buggies travelling to and from the two schools in the village twice a day at peak times. Neither provides an adequate safe route to school.
The single vehicular access to the site from Toddington Road is inadequate for the likely traffic movements pertaining to a 2 form entry primary school. It will also cause congestion and a threat to safety in the existing lay-by on Westoning Road which will be used as a drop off and collection point for the school.